Electricity is flow of electrons. Since size of transistors
is shrinking to size of few atoms, transistors cannot be used as switch because
electron may transfer themselves to the other side of blocked passage by the
process called quantum tunnelling.
mechanics is a branch of
physics that explores physical world at most fundamental level. At this level
particle behave differently from classical world taking more than one state at
the same time and interacting with other particles that are very far away.
Phenomena like superposition and entanglement take place.
can quantum computers can do?
1. Quantum computers can
easily crack the encryption algorithms used today in very less time whereas it
takes billions of years to best supercomputer available today. Even though
quantum computers would be able to crack many of today’s encryption techniques,
predictions are that they would create hack-proof replacements.
2. Quantum computers are
great for solving optimization problems.
There's an video explanation of Quantum Computation, let's check this out!
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